Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 C__forced_unwindThrown as part of forced unwinding.A magic placeholder class that can be caught by reference to recognize forced unwinding
 N__gnu_cxxGNU extensions for public use
 N__detailImplementation details not part of the namespace __gnu_cxx interface
 C__mini_vector__mini_vector<> is a stripped down version of the full-fledged std::vector<>
 C_Bitmap_counterThe bitmap counter which acts as the bitmap manipulator, and manages the bit-manipulation functions and the searching and identification functions on the bit-map
 C_Ffit_finderThe class which acts as a predicate for applying the first-fit memory allocation policy for the bitmap allocator
 C__alloc_traitsUniform interface to C++98 and C++0x allocators
 C__common_pool_policyPolicy for shared __pool objects
 C__mt_allocThis is a fixed size (power of 2) allocator which - when compiled with thread support - will maintain one freelist per size per thread plus a global one. Steps are taken to limit the per thread freelist sizes (by returning excess back to the global list).Further details:
 C__mt_alloc_baseBase class for _Tp dependent member functions
 C__per_type_pool_policyPolicy for individual __pool objects
 C__poolData describing the underlying memory pool, parameterized on threading support
 C__pool< false >Specialization for single thread
 C__pool< true >Specialization for thread enabled, via gthreads.h
 C__pool_allocAllocator using a memory pool with a single lock
 C__pool_alloc_baseBase class for __pool_alloc
 C__pool_baseBase class for pool object
 C__scoped_lockScoped lock idiom
 C__versa_stringTemplate class __versa_string.Data structure managing sequences of characters and character-like objects
 C_Char_typesMapping from character type to associated types
 C_ExtPtr_allocatorAn example allocator which uses a non-standard pointer type.This allocator specifies that containers use a 'relative pointer' as it's pointer type. (See ext/pointer.h) Memory allocation in this example is still performed using std::allocator
 C_Relative_pointer_implA storage policy for use with _Pointer_adapter<> which stores the pointer's address as an offset value which is relative to its own address
 C_Relative_pointer_impl< const _Tp >
 C_Std_pointer_implA storage policy for use with _Pointer_adapter<> which yields a standard pointer
 Cannotate_baseBase class for checking address and label information about allocations. Create a std::map between the allocated address (void*) and a datum for annotations, which are a pair of numbers corresponding to label and allocated size
 Carray_allocatorAn allocator that uses previously allocated memory. This memory can be externally, globally, or otherwise allocated
 Carray_allocator_baseBase class
 Cbitmap_allocatorBitmap Allocator, primary template
 Cchar_traitsBase class used to implement std::char_traits
 CcharacterA POD class that serves as a character abstraction class
 Ccondition_baseBase struct for condition policy
 Cdebug_allocatorA meta-allocator with debugging bits.This is precisely the allocator defined in the C++03 Standard
 Cenc_filebufClass enc_filebuf
 Cencoding_stateExtension to use iconv for dealing with character encodings
 Cforced_errorThown by exception safety machinery
 Cfree_listThe free list class for managing chunks of memory to be given to and returned by the bitmap_allocator
 Climit_conditionBase class for incremental control and throw
 Calways_adjustorAlways enter the condition
 Climit_adjustorEnter the nth condition
 Cnever_adjustorNever enter the condition
 Cmalloc_allocatorAn allocator that uses malloc.This is precisely the allocator defined in the C++ Standard
 Cnew_allocatorAn allocator that uses global new, as per [20.4].This is precisely the allocator defined in the C++ Standard
 Crandom_conditionBase class for random probability control and throw
 Calways_adjustorAlways enter the condition
 Cgroup_adjustorGroup condition
 Cnever_adjustorNever enter the condition
 Crecursive_init_errorException thrown by __cxa_guard_acquire.6.7[stmt.dcl]/4: If control re-enters the declaration (recursively) while the object is being initialized, the behavior is undefined
 Cstdio_filebufProvides a layer of compatibility for C/POSIX.This GNU extension provides extensions for working with standard C FILE*'s and POSIX file descriptors. It must be instantiated by the user with the type of character used in the file stream, e.g., stdio_filebuf<char>
 Cstdio_sync_filebufProvides a layer of compatibility for C.This GNU extension provides extensions for working with standard C FILE*'s. It must be instantiated by the user with the type of character used in the file stream, e.g., stdio_filebuf<char>
 Cthrow_allocator_baseAllocator class with logging and exception generation control. Intended to be used as an allocator_type in templatized code.Note: Deallocate not allowed to throw
 Cthrow_allocator_limitAllocator throwing via limit condition
 Cthrow_allocator_randomAllocator throwing via random condition
 Cthrow_value_baseClass with exception generation control. Intended to be used as a value_type in templatized code
 Cthrow_value_limitType throwing via limit condition
 Cthrow_value_randomType throwing via random condition
 N__gnu_debugGNU debug classes for public use
 C_Safe_iteratorSafe iterator wrapper
 C_Safe_iterator_baseBasic functionality for a safe iterator
 C_Safe_local_iteratorSafe iterator wrapper
 C_Safe_local_iterator_baseBasic functionality for a safe iterator
 C_Safe_sequenceBase class for constructing a safe sequence type that tracks iterators that reference it
 C_Safe_sequence_baseBase class that supports tracking of iterators that reference a sequence
 C_Safe_unordered_containerBase class for constructing a safe unordered container type that tracks iterators that reference it
 C_Safe_unordered_container_baseBase class that supports tracking of local iterators that reference an unordered container
 N__gnu_parallelGNU parallel code for public use
 C__accumulate_binop_reductGeneral reduction, using a binary operator
 C__accumulate_selectorStd::accumulate() selector
 C__adjacent_difference_selectorSelector that returns the difference between two adjacent __elements
 C__adjacent_find_selectorTest predicate on two adjacent elements
 C__binder1stSimilar to std::binder1st, but giving the argument types explicitly
 C__binder2ndSimilar to std::binder2nd, but giving the argument types explicitly
 C__count_if_selectorStd::count_if () selector
 C__count_selectorStd::count() selector
 C__fill_selectorStd::fill() selector
 C__find_first_of_selectorTest predicate on several elements
 C__find_if_selectorTest predicate on a single element, used for std::find() and std::find_if ()
 C__for_each_selectorStd::for_each() selector
 C__generate_selectorStd::generate() selector
 C__generic_find_selectorBase class of all __gnu_parallel::__find_template selectors
 C__generic_for_each_selectorGeneric __selector for embarrassingly parallel functions
 C__identity_selectorSelector that just returns the passed iterator
 C__inner_product_selectorStd::inner_product() selector
 C__max_element_reductReduction for finding the maximum element, using a comparator
 C__min_element_reductReduction for finding the maximum element, using a comparator
 C__mismatch_selectorTest inverted predicate on a single element
 C__multiway_merge_3_variant_sentinel_switchSwitch for 3-way merging with __sentinels turned off
 C__multiway_merge_3_variant_sentinel_switch< true, _RAIterIterator, _RAIter3, _DifferenceTp, _Compare >Switch for 3-way merging with __sentinels turned on
 C__multiway_merge_4_variant_sentinel_switchSwitch for 4-way merging with __sentinels turned off
 C__multiway_merge_4_variant_sentinel_switch< true, _RAIterIterator, _RAIter3, _DifferenceTp, _Compare >Switch for 4-way merging with __sentinels turned on
 C__multiway_merge_k_variant_sentinel_switchSwitch for k-way merging with __sentinels turned on
 C__multiway_merge_k_variant_sentinel_switch< false, __stable, _RAIterIterator, _RAIter3, _DifferenceTp, _Compare >Switch for k-way merging with __sentinels turned off
 C__replace_if_selectorStd::replace() selector
 C__replace_selectorStd::replace() selector
 C__transform1_selectorStd::transform() __selector, one input sequence variant
 C__transform2_selectorStd::transform() __selector, two input sequences variant
 C__unary_negateSimilar to std::unary_negate, but giving the argument types explicitly
 C_DRandomShufflingGlobalDataData known to every thread participating in __gnu_parallel::__parallel_random_shuffle()
 C_DRSSorterPULocal data for a thread participating in __gnu_parallel::__parallel_random_shuffle()
 C_DummyReductReduction function doing nothing
 C_EqualFromLessConstructs predicate for equality from strict weak ordering predicate
 C_EqualToSimilar to std::equal_to, but allows two different types
 C_GuardedIterator_Iterator wrapper supporting an implicit supremum at the end of the sequence, dominating all comparisons
 C_IteratorPairA pair of iterators. The usual iterator operations are applied to both child iterators
 C_IteratorTripleA triple of iterators. The usual iterator operations are applied to all three child iterators
 C_JobOne __job for a certain thread
 C_LessSimilar to std::less, but allows two different types
 C_LexicographicCompare __a pair of types lexicographically, ascending
 C_LexicographicReverseCompare __a pair of types lexicographically, descending
 C_LoserTreeStable _LoserTree variant
 C_LoserTree< false, _Tp, _Compare >Unstable _LoserTree variant
 C_LoserTreeBaseGuarded loser/tournament tree
 C_LoserInternal representation of a _LoserTree element
 C_LoserTreePointerStable _LoserTree implementation
 C_LoserTreePointer< false, _Tp, _Compare >Unstable _LoserTree implementation
 C_LoserTreePointerBaseBase class of _Loser Tree implementation using pointers
 C_LoserInternal representation of _LoserTree __elements
 C_LoserTreePointerUnguardedStable unguarded _LoserTree variant storing pointers
 C_LoserTreePointerUnguarded< false, _Tp, _Compare >Unstable unguarded _LoserTree variant storing pointers
 C_LoserTreePointerUnguardedBaseUnguarded loser tree, keeping only pointers to the elements in the tree structure
 C_LoserTreeTraitsTraits for determining whether the loser tree should use pointers or copies
 C_LoserTreeUnguardedStable implementation of unguarded _LoserTree
 C_LoserTreeUnguarded< false, _Tp, _Compare >Non-Stable implementation of unguarded _LoserTree
 C_LoserTreeUnguardedBaseBase class for unguarded _LoserTree implementation
 C_MultipliesSimilar to std::multiplies, but allows two different types
 C_NothingFunctor doing nothing
 C_PieceSubsequence description
 C_PlusSimilar to std::plus, but allows two different types
 C_PMWMSSortingDataData accessed by all threads
 C_PseudoSequenceSequence that conceptually consists of multiple copies of the same element. The copies are not stored explicitly, of course
 C_PseudoSequenceIterator_Iterator associated with __gnu_parallel::_PseudoSequence. If features the usual random-access iterator functionality
 C_QSBThreadLocalInformation local to one thread in the parallel quicksort run
 C_RandomNumberRandom number generator, based on the Mersenne twister
 C_RestrictedBoundedConcurrentQueueDouble-ended queue of bounded size, allowing lock-free atomic access. push_front() and pop_front() must not be called concurrently to each other, while pop_back() can be called concurrently at all times. empty(), size(), and top() are intentionally not provided. Calling them would not make sense in a concurrent setting
 C_SamplingSorterStable sorting functor
 C_SamplingSorter< false, _RAIter, _StrictWeakOrdering >Non-__stable sorting functor
 C_SettingsClass _Settings Run-time settings for the parallel mode including all tunable parameters
 C_SplitConsistentlySplit consistently
 C_SplitConsistently< false, _RAIter, _Compare, _SortingPlacesIterator >Split by sampling
 C_SplitConsistently< true, _RAIter, _Compare, _SortingPlacesIterator >Split by exact splitting
 Cbalanced_quicksort_tagForces parallel sorting using balanced quicksort at compile time
 Cbalanced_tagRecommends parallel execution using dynamic load-balancing at compile time
 Cconstant_size_blocks_tagSelects the constant block size variant for std::find()
 Cdefault_parallel_tagRecommends parallel execution using the default parallel algorithm
 Cequal_split_tagSelects the equal splitting variant for std::find()
 Cexact_tagForces parallel merging with exact splitting, at compile time
 Cfind_tagBase class for for std::find() variants
 Cgrowing_blocks_tagSelects the growing block size variant for std::find()
 Cmultiway_mergesort_exact_tagForces parallel sorting using multiway mergesort with exact splitting at compile time
 Cmultiway_mergesort_sampling_tagForces parallel sorting using multiway mergesort with splitting by sampling at compile time
 Cmultiway_mergesort_tagForces parallel sorting using multiway mergesort at compile time
 Comp_loop_static_tagRecommends parallel execution using OpenMP static load-balancing at compile time
 Comp_loop_tagRecommends parallel execution using OpenMP dynamic load-balancing at compile time
 Cparallel_tagRecommends parallel execution at compile time, optionally using a user-specified number of threads
 Cquicksort_tagForces parallel sorting using unbalanced quicksort at compile time
 Csampling_tagForces parallel merging with exact splitting, at compile time
 Csequential_tagForces sequential execution at compile time
 Cunbalanced_tagRecommends parallel execution using static load-balancing at compile time
 N__gnu_pbdsGNU extensions for policy-based data structures for public use
 Cbin_search_tree_const_it_Const iterator
 Cbin_search_tree_const_node_it_Const node iterator
 Cbin_search_tree_node_it_Node iterator
 Cbin_search_tree_traitsBinary search tree traits, primary template
 Cbin_search_tree_traits< Key, null_type, Cmp_Fn, Node_Update, Node, _Alloc >Specialization
 Cbinary_heap_const_iterator_Const point-type iterator
 Cbinary_heap_point_const_iterator_Const point-type iterator
 Cbinomial_heap_baseBase class for binomial heap
 Cbranch_policyPrimary template, base class for branch structure policies
 Cbranch_policy< Node_CItr, Node_CItr, _Alloc >Specialization for const iterators
 Ccond_dealtorConditional deallocate constructor argument
 Ccontainer_base_dispatchDispatch mechanism, primary template for associative types
 Ccontainer_base_dispatch< _VTp, Cmp_Fn, _Alloc, binary_heap_tag, null_type >Specialization for binary_heap
 Ccontainer_base_dispatch< _VTp, Cmp_Fn, _Alloc, binomial_heap_tag, null_type >Specialization for binomial_heap
 Ccontainer_base_dispatch< _VTp, Cmp_Fn, _Alloc, pairing_heap_tag, null_type >Specialization for pairing_heap
 Ccontainer_base_dispatch< _VTp, Cmp_Fn, _Alloc, rc_binomial_heap_tag, null_type >Specialization for rc_binary_heap
 Ccontainer_base_dispatch< _VTp, Cmp_Fn, _Alloc, thin_heap_tag, null_type >Specialization for thin_heap
 Ccontainer_base_dispatch< Key, Mapped, _Alloc, cc_hash_tag, Policy_Tl >Specialization colision-chaining hash map
 Ccontainer_base_dispatch< Key, Mapped, _Alloc, gp_hash_tag, Policy_Tl >Specialization general-probe hash map
 Ccontainer_base_dispatch< Key, Mapped, _Alloc, list_update_tag, Policy_Tl >Specialization for list-update map
 Ccontainer_base_dispatch< Key, Mapped, _Alloc, ov_tree_tag, Policy_Tl >Specialization ordered-vector tree map
 Ccontainer_base_dispatch< Key, Mapped, _Alloc, pat_trie_tag, Policy_Tl >Specialization for PATRICIA trie map
 Ccontainer_base_dispatch< Key, Mapped, _Alloc, rb_tree_tag, Policy_Tl >Specialization for R-B tree map
 Ccontainer_base_dispatch< Key, Mapped, _Alloc, splay_tree_tag, Policy_Tl >Specialization splay tree map
 Ccontainer_base_dispatch< Key, null_type, _Alloc, cc_hash_tag, Policy_Tl >Specialization colision-chaining hash set
 Ccontainer_base_dispatch< Key, null_type, _Alloc, gp_hash_tag, Policy_Tl >Specialization general-probe hash set
 Ccontainer_base_dispatch< Key, null_type, _Alloc, list_update_tag, Policy_Tl >Specialization for list-update set
 Ccontainer_base_dispatch< Key, null_type, _Alloc, ov_tree_tag, Policy_Tl >Specialization ordered-vector tree set
 Ccontainer_base_dispatch< Key, null_type, _Alloc, pat_trie_tag, Policy_Tl >Specialization for PATRICIA trie set
 Ccontainer_base_dispatch< Key, null_type, _Alloc, rb_tree_tag, Policy_Tl >Specialization for R-B tree set
 Ccontainer_base_dispatch< Key, null_type, _Alloc, splay_tree_tag, Policy_Tl >Specialization splay tree set
 Cdefault_comb_hash_fnPrimary template, default_comb_hash_fn
 Cdefault_eq_fnPrimary template, default_eq_fn
 Cdefault_hash_fnPrimary template, default_hash_fn
 Cdefault_probe_fnPrimary template, default_probe_fn
 Cdefault_resize_policyPrimary template, default_resize_policy
 Cdefault_trie_access_traitsPrimary template, default_trie_access_traits
 Cdefault_trie_access_traits< std::basic_stringPartial specialization, default_trie_access_traits
 Cdefault_update_policyDefault update policy
 Cdumnode_const_iteratorConstant node iterator
 Centry_cmpEntry compare, primary template
 Centry_cmp< _VTp, Cmp_Fn, _Alloc, false >Specialization, false
 CtypeCompare plus entry
 Centry_cmp< _VTp, Cmp_Fn, _Alloc, true >Specialization, true
 Centry_predEntry predicate primary class template
 Centry_pred< _VTp, Pred, _Alloc, false >Specialization, false
 Centry_pred< _VTp, Pred, _Alloc, true >Specialization, true
 Ceq_by_lessEquivalence function
 Chash_eq_fnPrimary template
 Chash_eq_fn< Key, Eq_Fn, _Alloc, false >Specialization 1 - The client requests that hash values not be stored
 Chash_eq_fn< Key, Eq_Fn, _Alloc, true >Specialization 2 - The client requests that hash values be stored
 Chash_load_check_resize_trigger_size_basePrimary template
 Chash_load_check_resize_trigger_size_base< Size_Type, true >Specializations
 Cleft_child_next_sibling_heapBase class for a basic heap
 Cleft_child_next_sibling_heap_const_iterator_Const point-type iterator
 Cleft_child_next_sibling_heap_node_point_const_iterator_Const point-type iterator
 Clu_counter_metadataA list-update metadata type that moves elements to the front of the list based on the counter algorithm
 Clu_counter_policy_baseBase class for list-update counter policy
 Clu_mapList-based (with updates) associative container. Skip to the lu, my darling
 Cmask_based_range_hashingRange hashing policy
 Cmod_based_range_hashingMod based range hashing
 Cno_throw_copiesPrimary template
 Cno_throw_copies< Key, null_type >Specialization
 Cov_tree_mapOrdered-vector tree associative-container
 Ccond_dtorConditional destructor
 Cov_tree_node_const_it_Const node reference
 Cov_tree_node_it_Node reference
 Cpat_trie_baseBase type for PATRICIA trees
 C_CIterConst iterator
 C_HeadHead node for PATRICIA tree
 C_InodeInternal node type, PATRICIA tree
 Cconst_iteratorConstant child iterator
 CiteratorChild iterator
 C_LeafLeaf node for PATRICIA tree
 C_MetadataMetadata base primary template
 C_Metadata< null_type, _Alloc >Specialization for null metadata
 C_Node_baseNode base
 C_Node_citerNode const iterator
 C_Node_iterNode iterator
 Cpat_trie_mapPATRICIA trie.This implementation loosely borrows ideas from: 1) Fast Mergeable Integer Maps, Okasaki, Gill 1998 2) Ptset: Sets of integers implemented as Patricia trees, Jean-Christophe Filliatr, 2000
 Cprobe_fn_baseProbe functor base
 Cranged_hash_fnPrimary template
 Cranged_hash_fn< Key, Hash_Fn, _Alloc, Comb_Hash_Fn, false >
 Cranged_hash_fn< Key, Hash_Fn, _Alloc, Comb_Hash_Fn, true >
 Cranged_hash_fn< Key, null_type, _Alloc, Comb_Hash_Fn, false >
 Cranged_hash_fn< Key, null_type, _Alloc, Comb_Hash_Fn, true >
 Cranged_probe_fnPrimary template
 Cranged_probe_fn< Key, Hash_Fn, _Alloc, Comb_Probe_Fn, Probe_Fn, false >
 Cranged_probe_fn< Key, Hash_Fn, _Alloc, Comb_Probe_Fn, Probe_Fn, true >
 Cranged_probe_fn< Key, null_type, _Alloc, Comb_Probe_Fn, null_type, false >
 Crb_tree_mapRed-Black tree.This implementation uses an idea from the SGI STL (using a header node which is needed for efficient iteration)
 Crb_tree_node_Node for Red-Black trees
 CrcRedundant binary counter
 Cresize_policyResize policy for binary heap
 Csplay_tree_mapSplay tree
 Csplay_tree_node_Node for splay tree
 Cstored_dataPrimary template for representation of stored data. Two types of data can be stored: value and hash
 Cstored_data< _Tv, null_type >Specialization for representation of stored data of just value type
 Cstored_hashStored hash
 Cstored_valueStored value
 Csynth_access_traitsSynthetic element access traits
 Ctree_metadata_helperTree metadata helper
 Ctree_metadata_helper< Node_Update, false >Specialization, false
 Ctree_metadata_helper< Node_Update, true >Specialization, true
 Ctree_node_metadata_dispatchTree node metadata dispatch
 Ctree_traitsTree traits class, primary template
 Ctree_traits< Key, Mapped, Cmp_Fn, Node_Update, ov_tree_tag, _Alloc >Tree traits
 Ctree_traits< Key, Mapped, Cmp_Fn, Node_Update, rb_tree_tag, _Alloc >Specialization
 Ctree_traits< Key, Mapped, Cmp_Fn, Node_Update, splay_tree_tag, _Alloc >Specialization
 Ctree_traits< Key, null_type, Cmp_Fn, Node_Update, ov_tree_tag, _Alloc >Specialization
 Ctree_traits< Key, null_type, Cmp_Fn, Node_Update, rb_tree_tag, _Alloc >Specialization
 Ctree_traits< Key, null_type, Cmp_Fn, Node_Update, splay_tree_tag, _Alloc >Specialization
 Ctrie_metadata_helperTrie metadata helper
 Ctrie_metadata_helper< Node_Update, false >Specialization, false
 Ctrie_metadata_helper< Node_Update, true >Specialization, true
 Ctrie_node_metadata_dispatchTrie node metadata dispatch
 Ctrie_policy_baseBase class for trie policies
 Ctrie_traitsTrie traits class, primary template
 Ctrie_traits< Key, Mapped, _ATraits, Node_Update, pat_trie_tag, _Alloc >Specialization
 Ctrie_traits< Key, null_type, _ATraits, Node_Update, pat_trie_tag, _Alloc >Specialization
 Ctype_basePrimary template
 Ctype_base< Key, Mapped, _Alloc, false >
 Ctype_base< Key, Mapped, _Alloc, true >
 Ctype_base< Key, null_type, _Alloc, false >
 Ctype_base< Key, null_type, _Alloc, true >
 Ctype_dispatchType base dispatch
 Ctypes_traitsTraits for abstract types
 Cassociative_tagBasic associative-container
 Cbasic_branch_tagBasic branch structure
 Cbasic_hash_tagBasic hash structure
 Cbinary_heap_tagBinary-heap (array-based)
 Ccc_hash_max_collision_check_resize_triggerA resize trigger policy based on collision checks. It keeps the simulated load factor lower than some given load factor
 Ccc_hash_tagCollision-chaining hash
 Ccontainer_errorBase class for exceptions
 Ccontainer_tagBase data structure tag
 Ccontainer_traitsContainer traits
 Ccontainer_traits_basePrimary template, container traits base
 Ccontainer_traits_base< binary_heap_tag >Specialization, binary heap
 Ccontainer_traits_base< binomial_heap_tag >Specialization, binomial heap
 Ccontainer_traits_base< cc_hash_tag >Specialization, cc hash
 Ccontainer_traits_base< gp_hash_tag >Specialization, gp hash
 Ccontainer_traits_base< list_update_tag >Specialization, list update
 Ccontainer_traits_base< ov_tree_tag >Specialization, ov tree
 Ccontainer_traits_base< pairing_heap_tag >Specialization, pairing heap
 Ccontainer_traits_base< pat_trie_tag >Specialization, pat trie
 Ccontainer_traits_base< rb_tree_tag >Specialization, rb tree
 Ccontainer_traits_base< rc_binomial_heap_tag >Specialization, rc binomial heap
 Ccontainer_traits_base< splay_tree_tag >Specialization, splay tree
 Ccontainer_traits_base< thin_heap_tag >Specialization, thin heap
 Cdirect_mask_range_hashingA mask range-hashing class (uses a bitmask)
 Cdirect_mod_range_hashingA mod range-hashing class (uses the modulo function)
 Cgp_hash_tagGeneral-probing hash
 Chash_exponential_size_policyA size policy whose sequence of sizes form an exponential sequence (typically powers of 2
 Chash_load_check_resize_triggerA resize trigger policy based on a load check. It keeps the load factor between some load factors load_min and load_max
 Chash_prime_size_policyA size policy whose sequence of sizes form a nearly-exponential sequence of primes
 Chash_standard_resize_policyA resize policy which delegates operations to size and trigger policies
 Cinsert_errorAn entry cannot be inserted into a container object for logical reasons (not, e.g., if memory is unabvailable, in which case the allocator_type's exception will be thrown)
 Cjoin_errorA join cannot be performed logical reasons (i.e., the ranges of the two container objects being joined overlaps
 Clinear_probe_fnA probe sequence policy using fixed increments
 Cnull_node_updateA null node updator, indicating that no node updates are required
 Cnull_typeRepresents no type, or absence of type, for template tricks
 Cov_tree_tagOrdered-vector tree
 Cpat_trie_tagPATRICIA trie
 Cpriority_queue_tagBasic priority-queue
 Cquadratic_probe_fnA probe sequence policy using square increments
 Crb_tree_tagRed-black tree
 Crc_binomial_heap_tagRedundant-counter binomial-heap
 Cresize_errorA container cannot be resized
 Csample_probe_fnA sample probe policy
 Csample_range_hashingA sample range-hashing functor
 Csample_ranged_hash_fnA sample ranged-hash functor
 Csample_ranged_probe_fnA sample ranged-probe functor
 Csample_resize_policyA sample resize policy
 Csample_resize_triggerA sample resize trigger policy
 Csample_size_policyA sample size policy
 Csample_tree_node_updateA sample node updator
 Csample_trie_access_traitsA sample trie element access traits
 Csample_trie_node_updateA sample node updator
 Csample_update_policyA sample list-update policy
 Csequence_tagBasic sequence
 Csplay_tree_tagSplay tree
 Cstring_tagBasic string container, inclusive of strings, ropes, etc
 Cthin_heap_tagThin heap
 Ctree_order_statistics_node_updateFunctor updating ranks of entrees
 Ctree_tagBasic tree structure
 Ctrie_order_statistics_node_updateFunctor updating ranks of entrees
 Ctrie_prefix_search_node_updateA node updator that allows tries to be searched for the range of values that match a certain prefix
 Ctrie_tagBasic trie structure
 Ctrivial_iterator_tagA trivial iterator tag. Signifies that the iterators has none of std::iterators's movement abilities
 N__gnu_profileGNU profile code for public use
 C__container_size_infoA container size instrumentation line in the object table
 C__container_size_stack_infoA container size instrumentation line in the stack table
 C__hashfunc_infoA hash performance instrumentation line in the object table
 C__hashfunc_stack_infoA hash performance instrumentation line in the stack table
 C__list2vector_infoA list-to-vector instrumentation line in the object table
 C__map2umap_infoA map-to-unordered_map instrumentation line in the object table
 C__map2umap_stack_infoA map-to-unordered_map instrumentation line in the stack table
 C__object_info_baseBase class for a line in the object table
 C__reentrance_guardReentrance guard
 C__stack_hashHash function for summary trace using call stack as index
 C__stack_info_baseBase class for a line in the stack table
 C__trace_baseBase class for all trace producers
 C__trace_container_sizeContainer size instrumentation trace producer
 C__trace_hash_funcHash performance instrumentation producer
 C__trace_hashtable_sizeHashtable size instrumentation trace producer
 C__trace_map2umapMap-to-unordered_map instrumentation producer
 C__trace_vector_sizeHashtable size instrumentation trace producer
 C__trace_vector_to_listVector-to-list instrumentation producer
 C__vector2list_infoA vector-to-list instrumentation line in the object table
 C__vector2list_stack_infoA vector-to-list instrumentation line in the stack table
 C__warning_dataRepresentation of a warning
 NstdISO C++ entities toplevel namespace is std
 N__debugGNU debug code, replaces standard behavior with debug behavior
 CmapClass std::map with safety/checking/debug instrumentation
 CmultimapClass std::multimap with safety/checking/debug instrumentation
 CmultisetClass std::multiset with safety/checking/debug instrumentation
 CsetClass std::set with safety/checking/debug instrumentation
 N__detailImplementation details not part of the namespace std interface
 C_BracketMatcherMatches a character range (bracket expression)
 C_CompilerBuilds an NFA from an input iterator interval
 C_Default_ranged_hashDefault ranged hash function H. In principle it should be a function object composed from objects of type H1 and H2 such that h(k, N) = h2(h1(k), N), but that would mean making extra copies of h1 and h2. So instead we'll just use a tag to tell class template hashtable to do that composition
 C_Equal_helper< _Key, _Value, _ExtractKey, _Equal, _HashCodeType, false >Specialization
 C_Equal_helper< _Key, _Value, _ExtractKey, _Equal, _HashCodeType, true >Specialization
 C_Equality< _Key, _Value, _Alloc, _ExtractKey, _Equal, _H1, _H2, _Hash, _RehashPolicy, _Traits, false >Specialization
 C_Equality< _Key, _Value, _Alloc, _ExtractKey, _Equal, _H1, _H2, _Hash, _RehashPolicy, _Traits, true >Specialization
 C_ExecutorTakes a regex and an input string in and do the matching
 C_Hash_code_base< _Key, _Value, _ExtractKey, _H1, _H2, _Default_ranged_hash, false >Specialization: hash function and range-hashing function, no caching of hash codes. Provides typedef and accessor required by C++ 11
 C_Hash_code_base< _Key, _Value, _ExtractKey, _H1, _H2, _Default_ranged_hash, true >Specialization: hash function and range-hashing function, caching hash codes. H is provided but ignored. Provides typedef and accessor required by C++ 11
 C_Hash_code_base< _Key, _Value, _ExtractKey, _H1, _H2, _Hash, false >Specialization: ranged hash function, no caching hash codes. H1 and H2 are provided but ignored. We define a dummy hash code type
 C_Hash_node< _Value, false >
 C_Hash_node< _Value, true >
 C_Hashtable_ebo_helper< _Nm, _Tp, false >Specialization not using EBO
 C_Hashtable_ebo_helper< _Nm, _Tp, true >Specialization using EBO
 C_Insert< _Key, _Value, _Alloc, _ExtractKey, _Equal, _H1, _H2, _Hash, _RehashPolicy, _Traits, false, _Unique_keys >Specialization
 C_Insert< _Key, _Value, _Alloc, _ExtractKey, _Equal, _H1, _H2, _Hash, _RehashPolicy, _Traits, true, false >Specialization
 C_Insert< _Key, _Value, _Alloc, _ExtractKey, _Equal, _H1, _H2, _Hash, _RehashPolicy, _Traits, true, true >Specialization
 C_List_node_baseCommon part of a node in the list
 C_Local_const_iteratorLocal const_iterators
 C_Local_iteratorLocal iterators
 C_Local_iterator_base< _Key, _Value, _ExtractKey, _H1, _H2, _Hash, true >Partial specialization used when nodes contain a cached hash code
 C_Map_base< _Key, _Pair, _Alloc, _Select1st, _Equal, _H1, _H2, _Hash, _RehashPolicy, _Traits, false >Partial specialization, __unique_keys set to false
 C_Map_base< _Key, _Pair, _Alloc, _Select1st, _Equal, _H1, _H2, _Hash, _RehashPolicy, _Traits, true >Partial specialization, __unique_keys set to true
 C_Mod_range_hashingDefault range hashing function: use division to fold a large number into the range [0, N)
 C_Node_const_iteratorNode const_iterators, used to iterate through all the hashtable
 C_Node_iteratorNode iterators, used to iterate through all the hashtable
 C_Node_iterator_baseBase class for node iterators
 C_Prime_rehash_policyDefault value for rehash policy. Bucket size is (usually) the smallest prime that keeps the load factor small enough
 C_Rehash_base< _Key, _Value, _Alloc, _ExtractKey, _Equal, _H1, _H2, _Hash, _Prime_rehash_policy, _Traits >Specialization
 C_ScannerScans an input range for regex tokens
 C_StateSeqDescribes a sequence of one or more _State, its current start and end(s). This structure contains fragments of an NFA during construction
 Cexception_ptrAn opaque pointer to an arbitrary exception
 N__parallelGNU parallel code, replaces standard behavior with parallel behavior
 C_CRandNumberFunctor wrapper for std::rand()
 N__profileGNU profile code, replaces standard behavior with profile behavior
 CmapClass std::map wrapper with performance instrumentation
 CmultimapClass std::multimap wrapper with performance instrumentation
 CmultisetClass std::multiset wrapper with performance instrumentation
 CsetClass std::set wrapper with performance instrumentation
 Ntr1ISO C++ TR1 entities toplevel namespace is std::tr1
 Ntr2ISO C++ TR2 entities toplevel namespace is std::tr2
 C__atomic_baseBase class for atomic integrals
 C__atomic_base< _PTp * >Partial specialization for pointer types
 C__atomic_flag_baseBase type for atomic_flag
 C__codecvt_abstract_baseCommon base for codecvt functions
 C__ctype_abstract_baseCommon base for ctype facet
 C__has_iterator_category_helperTraits class for iterators
 C_Deque_iteratorA deque::iterator
 C_Enable_copy_moveA mixin helper to conditionally enable or disable the copy/move special members
 C_Enable_default_constructorA mixin helper to conditionally enable or disable the default constructor
 C_Enable_destructorA mixin helper to conditionally enable or disable the default destructor
 C_Enable_special_membersA mixin helper to conditionally enable or disable the special members
 C_Fwd_list_baseBase class for forward_list
 C_Fwd_list_const_iteratorA forward_list::const_iterator
 C_Fwd_list_iteratorA forward_list::iterator
 C_Fwd_list_nodeA helper node class for forward_list. This is just a linked list with uninitialized storage for a data value in each node. There is a sorting utility method
 C_Fwd_list_node_baseA helper basic node class for forward_list. This is just a linked list with nothing inside it. There are purely list shuffling utility methods here
 C_List_baseSee bits/stl_deque.h's _Deque_base for an explanation
 C_List_const_iteratorA list::const_iterator
 C_List_iteratorA list::iterator
 C_List_nodeAn actual node in the list
 C_Sp_ebo_helper< _Nm, _Tp, false >Specialization not using EBO
 C_Sp_ebo_helper< _Nm, _Tp, true >Specialization using EBO
 C_Vector_baseSee bits/stl_deque.h's _Deque_base for an explanation
 CallocatorThe standard allocator, as per [20.4]
 Callocator< void >Allocator<void> specialization
 Callocator_traitsUniform interface to all allocator types
 Cauto_ptrA simple smart pointer providing strict ownership semantics
 Cback_insert_iteratorTurns assignment into insertion
 Cbad_weak_ptrException possibly thrown by shared_ptr
 Cbasic_iosTemplate class basic_ios, virtual base class for all stream classes
 Cbasic_stringManaging sequences of characters and character-like objects
 Cbernoulli_distributionA Bernoulli random number distribution
 Cbidirectional_iterator_tagBidirectional iterators support a superset of forward iterator operations
 Cbinary_negateOne of the negation functors
 Cbinder1stOne of the binder functors
 Cbinder2ndOne of the binder functors
 Cbinomial_distributionA discrete binomial random number distribution
 Ccauchy_distributionA cauchy_distribution random number distribution
 Cchar_traitsBasis for explicit traits specializations
 Cchar_traits< __gnu_cxx::characterChar_traits<__gnu_cxx::character> specialization
 Cchar_traits< char > char_traits specializations
 Cchar_traits< wchar_t > char_traits specializations
 Cchi_squared_distributionA chi_squared_distribution random number distribution
 CcodecvtPrimary class template codecvt.NB: Generic, mostly useless implementation
 Ccodecvt< _InternT, _ExternT, encoding_state >Codecvt<InternT, _ExternT, encoding_state> specialization
 Ccodecvt< char, char, mbstate_t >Class codecvt<char, char, mbstate_t> specialization
 Ccodecvt< wchar_t, char, mbstate_t >Class codecvt<wchar_t, char, mbstate_t> specialization
 Ccodecvt_baseEmpty base class for codecvt facet []
 Ccodecvt_bynameClass codecvt_byname []
 CcollateFacet for localized string comparison
 Ccollate_bynameClass collate_byname []
 Cconst_mem_fun1_ref_tOne of the adaptors for member pointers
 Cconst_mem_fun1_tOne of the adaptors for member pointers
 Cconst_mem_fun_ref_tOne of the adaptors for member pointers
 Cconst_mem_fun_tOne of the adaptors for member pointers
 CctypePrimary class template ctype facet.This template class defines classification and conversion functions for character sets. It wraps cctype functionality. Ctype gets used by streams for many I/O operations
 Cctype< char >The ctype<char> specialization.This class defines classification and conversion functions for the char type. It gets used by char streams for many I/O operations. The char specialization provides a number of optimizations as well
 Cctype< wchar_t >The ctype<wchar_t> specialization.This class defines classification and conversion functions for the wchar_t type. It gets used by wchar_t streams for many I/O operations. The wchar_t specialization provides a number of optimizations as well
 Cctype_baseBase class for ctype
 Cctype_bynameClass ctype_byname []
 Cctype_byname< char > Class ctype_byname specializations
 Cdefault_deletePrimary template of default_delete, used by unique_ptr
 Cdefault_delete< _Tp[]>Specialization for arrays, default_delete
 CdequeA standard container using fixed-size memory allocation and constant-time manipulation of elements at either end
 Cdiscrete_distributionA discrete_distribution random number distribution
 CdividesOne of the math functors
 Cenable_shared_from_thisBase class allowing use of member function shared_from_this
 Cequal_toOne of the comparison functors
 Cexponential_distributionAn exponential continuous distribution for random numbers
 Cextreme_value_distributionA extreme_value_distribution random number distribution
 Cfisher_f_distributionA fisher_f_distribution random number distribution
 Cforward_iterator_tagForward iterators support a superset of input iterator operations
 Cforward_listA standard container with linear time access to elements, and fixed time insertion/deletion at any point in the sequence
 CfposClass representing stream positions
 Cfront_insert_iteratorTurns assignment into insertion
 Cgamma_distributionA gamma continuous distribution for random numbers
 Cgeometric_distributionA discrete geometric random number distribution
 CgreaterOne of the comparison functors
 Cgreater_equalOne of the comparison functors
 CgsliceClass defining multi-dimensional subset of an array
 Cgslice_arrayReference to multi-dimensional subset of an array
 ChashPrimary class template hash
 Chash< __gnu_cxx::__u16vstring >Std::hash specialization for __u16vstring
 Chash< __gnu_cxx::__u32vstring >Std::hash specialization for __u32vstring
 Chash< __gnu_cxx::__vstring >Std::hash specialization for __vstring
 Chash< __gnu_cxx::__wvstring >Std::hash specialization for __wvstring
 Chash< __gnu_cxx::throw_value_limit >Explicit specialization of std::hash for __gnu_cxx::throw_value_limit
 Chash< __gnu_cxx::throw_value_random >Explicit specialization of std::hash for __gnu_cxx::throw_value_random
 Chash< __shared_ptr< _Tp, _Lp > >Std::hash specialization for __shared_ptr
 Chash< _Tp * >Partial specializations for pointer types
 Chash< bool >Explicit specialization for bool
 Chash< char >Explicit specialization for char
 Chash< char16_t >Explicit specialization for char16_t
 Chash< char32_t >Explicit specialization for char32_t
 Chash< double >Specialization for double
 Chash< float >Specialization for float
 Chash< int >Explicit specialization for int
 Chash< long >Explicit specialization for long
 Chash< long double >Specialization for long double
 Chash< long long >Explicit specialization for long long
 Chash< shared_ptr< _Tp > >Std::hash specialization for shared_ptr
 Chash< short >Explicit specialization for short
 Chash< signed char >Explicit specialization for signed char
 Chash< string >Std::hash specialization for string
 Chash< u16string >Std::hash specialization for u16string
 Chash< u32string >Std::hash specialization for u32string
 Chash< unique_ptr< _Tp, _Dp > >Std::hash specialization for unique_ptr
 Chash< unsigned char >Explicit specialization for unsigned char
 Chash< unsigned int >Explicit specialization for unsigned int
 Chash< unsigned long >Explicit specialization for unsigned long
 Chash< unsigned long long >Explicit specialization for unsigned long long
 Chash< unsigned short >Explicit specialization for unsigned short
 Chash< wchar_t >Explicit specialization for wchar_t
 Chash< wstring >Std::hash specialization for wstring
 Chash<::vectorStd::hash specialization for vector<bool>
 Cindirect_arrayReference to arbitrary subset of an array
 Cinput_iterator_tagMarking input iterators
 Cinsert_iteratorTurns assignment into insertion
 Cios_baseThe base of the I/O class hierarchy.This class defines everything that can be defined about I/O that does not depend on the type of characters being input or output. Most people will only see ios_base when they need to specify the full name of the various I/O flags (e.g., the openmodes)
 CfailureThese are thrown to indicate problems with io. Class ios_base::failure
 Cistream_iteratorProvides input iterator semantics for streams
 Cistreambuf_iteratorProvides input iterator semantics for streambufs
 CiteratorCommon iterator class
 Citerator_traits< _Tp * >Partial specialization for pointer types
 Citerator_traits< const _Tp * >Partial specialization for const pointer types
 ClessOne of the comparison functors
 Cless_equalOne of the comparison functors
 Clinear_congruential_engineA model of a linear congruential random number generator
 ClistA standard container with linear time access to elements, and fixed time insertion/deletion at any point in the sequence
 ClocaleContainer class for localization functionality.The locale class is first a class wrapper for C library locales. It is also an extensible container for user-defined localization. A locale is a collection of facets that implement various localization features such as money, time, and number printing
 CfacetLocalization functionality base class.The facet class is the base class for a localization feature, such as money, time, and number printing. It provides common support for facets and reference management
 CidFacet ID class.The ID class provides facets with an index used to identify them. Every facet class must define a public static member locale::id, or be derived from a facet that provides this member, otherwise the facet cannot be used in a locale. The locale::id ensures that each class type gets a unique identifier
 Clogical_andOne of the Boolean operations functors
 Clogical_notOne of the Boolean operations functors
 Clogical_orOne of the Boolean operations functors
 Clognormal_distributionA lognormal_distribution random number distribution
 CmapA standard container made up of (key,value) pairs, which can be retrieved based on a key, in logarithmic time
 Cmask_arrayReference to selected subset of an array
 Cmatch_resultsThe results of a match or search operation
 Cmem_fun1_ref_tOne of the adaptors for member pointers
 Cmem_fun1_tOne of the adaptors for member pointers
 Cmem_fun_ref_tOne of the adaptors for member pointers
 Cmem_fun_tOne of the adaptors for member pointers
 CmessagesPrimary class template messages.This facet encapsulates the code to retrieve messages from message catalogs. The only thing defined by the standard for this facet is the interface. All underlying functionality is implementation-defined
 Cmessages_baseMessages facet base class providing catalog typedef
 Cmessages_bynameClass messages_byname []
 CminusOne of the math functors
 CmodulusOne of the math functors
 Cmoney_baseMoney format ordering data.This class contains an ordered array of 4 fields to represent the pattern for formatting a money amount. Each field may contain one entry from the part enum. symbol, sign, and value must be present and the remaining field must contain either none or space
 Cmoney_getPrimary class template money_get.This facet encapsulates the code to parse and return a monetary amount from a string
 Cmoney_putPrimary class template money_put.This facet encapsulates the code to format and output a monetary amount
 CmoneypunctPrimary class template moneypunct.This facet encapsulates the punctuation, grouping and other formatting features of money amount string representations
 Cmoneypunct_bynameClass moneypunct_byname []
 CmultimapA standard container made up of (key,value) pairs, which can be retrieved based on a key, in logarithmic time
 CmultipliesOne of the math functors
 CmultisetA standard container made up of elements, which can be retrieved in logarithmic time
 CnegateOne of the math functors
 Cnegative_binomial_distributionA negative_binomial_distribution random number distribution
 Cnested_exceptionException class with exception_ptr data member
 Cnormal_distributionA normal continuous distribution for random numbers
 Cnot_equal_toOne of the comparison functors
 Cnum_getPrimary class template num_get.This facet encapsulates the code to parse and return a number from a string. It is used by the istream numeric extraction operators
 Cnum_putPrimary class template num_put.This facet encapsulates the code to convert a number to a string. It is used by the ostream numeric insertion operators
 CnumpunctPrimary class template numpunct.This facet stores several pieces of information related to printing and scanning numbers, such as the decimal point character. It takes a template parameter specifying the char type. The numpunct facet is used by streams for many I/O operations involving numbers
 Cnumpunct_bynameClass numpunct_byname []
 Costream_iteratorProvides output iterator semantics for streams
 Costreambuf_iteratorProvides output iterator semantics for streambufs
 Coutput_iterator_tagMarking output iterators
 Cowner_lessPrimary template owner_less
 Cowner_less< shared_ptr< _Tp > >Partial specialization of owner_less for shared_ptr
 Cowner_less< weak_ptr< _Tp > >Partial specialization of owner_less for weak_ptr
 CpairStruct holding two objects of arbitrary type
 Cpiecewise_constant_distributionA piecewise_constant_distribution random number distribution
 Cpiecewise_linear_distributionA piecewise_linear_distribution random number distribution
 CplusOne of the math functors
 Cpointer_to_binary_functionOne of the adaptors for function pointers
 Cpointer_to_unary_functionOne of the adaptors for function pointers
 Cpointer_traitsUniform interface to all pointer-like types
 Cpointer_traits< _Tp * >Partial specialization for built-in pointers
 Cpoisson_distributionA discrete Poisson random number distribution
 Cpriority_queueA standard container automatically sorting its contents
 CqueueA standard container giving FIFO behavior
 Crandom_access_iterator_tagRandom-access iterators support a superset of bidirectional iterator operations
 Cregex_errorA regular expression exception class.The regular expression library throws objects of this class on error
 Cregex_traitsDescribes aspects of a regular expression
 Cseed_seqGenerates sequences of seeds for random number generators
 CsetA standard container made up of unique keys, which can be retrieved in logarithmic time
 Cshared_ptrA smart pointer with reference-counted copy semantics
 Cshuffle_order_engineProduces random numbers by combining random numbers from some base engine to produce random numbers with a specifies number of bits __w
 CsliceClass defining one-dimensional subset of an array
 Cslice_arrayReference to one-dimensional subset of an array
 CstackA standard container giving FILO behavior
 Cstudent_t_distributionA student_t_distribution random number distribution
 Ctime_baseTime format ordering data.This class provides an enum representing different orderings of time: day, month, and year
 Ctime_getPrimary class template time_get.This facet encapsulates the code to parse and return a date or time from a string. It is used by the istream numeric extraction operators
 Ctime_get_bynameClass time_get_byname []
 Ctime_putPrimary class template time_put.This facet encapsulates the code to format and output dates and times according to formats used by strftime()
 Ctime_put_bynameClass time_put_byname []
 Cunary_negateOne of the negation functors
 Cuniform_int_distributionUniform discrete distribution for random numbers. A discrete random distribution on the range $[min, max]$ with equal probability throughout the range
 Cuniform_real_distributionUniform continuous distribution for random numbers
 Cunique_ptr20.7.1.2 unique_ptr for single objects
 Cunique_ptr< _Tp[], _Dp > unique_ptr for array objects with a runtime length
 Cunordered_mapA standard container composed of unique keys (containing at most one of each key value) that associates values of another type with the keys
 Cunordered_multimapA standard container composed of equivalent keys (possibly containing multiple of each key value) that associates values of another type with the keys
 Cunordered_multisetA standard container composed of equivalent keys (possibly containing multiple of each key value) in which the elements' keys are the elements themselves
 Cunordered_setA standard container composed of unique keys (containing at most one of each key value) in which the elements' keys are the elements themselves
 Cuses_allocatorDeclare uses_allocator so it can be specialized in <queue> etc
 CvectorA standard container which offers fixed time access to individual elements in any order
 Cvector< bool, _Alloc >A specialization of vector for booleans which offers fixed time access to individual elements in any order
 Cweak_ptrA smart pointer with weak semantics
 Cweibull_distributionA weibull_distribution random number distribution
 Cconst_iterator_Const range-type iterator
 Citerator_Range-type iterator
 Cpoint_const_iterator_Const point-type iterator
 Cpoint_iterator_Find type iterator