ProFTPD module mod_ldap

This module is contained in the mod_ldap.c file for ProFTPD 1.2.x/1.3.x, and is not compiled by default. Installation instructions are discussed here.

The most current version of mod_ldap is distributed with the ProFTPD source code.


Please contact John Morrissey <jwm at> with any questions, concerns, or suggestions regarding this module.



Syntax: LDAPAliasDereference never|always|search|find
Default: None
Context: server config, <VirtualHost>, <Global>
Module: mod_ldap
Compatibility: 1.2.7rc1 and later

The LDAPAliasDereference directive configures how aliases are handled. The possible values have the following behaviors:

The default is "never", e.g.:

  <IfModule mod_ldap.c>
    LDAPAliasDeference never


Syntax: LDAPAttr old-attr-name new-attr-name
Default: None
Context: server config, <VirtualHost>, <Global>
Module: mod_ldap
Compatibility: 1.2.7rc1 and later

The LDAPAttr directive is used to map, or to associate, a standard attribute name to a non-standard attribute name. If, for example, your LDAP directory schema used different names for some of the attributes used by mod_ldap, you would use this directive to tell mod_ldap what new attribute names to use.

The following LDAP attributes can be renamed in this manner:


Syntax: LDAPAuthBinds on|off
Default: LDAPAuthBinds on
Context: server config, <VirtualHost>, <Global>
Module: mod_ldap
Compatibility: 1.2.7rc1 and later

By default, the DN specified by the LDAPBindDN will be used to bind to the LDAP server to obtain user information, including the userPassword attribute. If LDAPAuthBinds is set to on, the DN specified by LDAPDNInfo will be used to fetch all user information except the userPassword attribute. Then, the mod_ldap module will bind to the LDAP server as the user who is logging in via FTP with the user-supplied password. If this bind succeeds, the user is considered authenticated and is allowed to log in. This method of LDAP authentication has the added benefit of supporting any password encryption scheme that your LDAP server supports.

In versions of mod_ldap up to 2.7.6, the default for LDAPAuthBinds was off. After mod_ldap 2.8, the default value for LDAPAuthBinds is on.


Syntax: LDAPBindDN dn password
Default: None
Context: server config, <VirtualHost>, <Global>
Module: mod_ldap
Compatibility: 1.3.5rc1 and later

The LDAPBindDN directive configures the DN and the password that mod_ldap will use when binding to the LDAP directory. If this configuration directive is missing, then anonymous binds are used.

The default is:

  <IfModule mod_ldap.c>
    # Use anonymous binds
    LDAPBindDN "" ""

See also: LDAPServer, LDAPUseSASL


Syntax: LDAPDefaultAuthScheme "crypt"|"clear"
Default: crypt
Context: server config, <VirtualHost>, <Global>
Module: mod_ldap
Compatibility: 1.2.7rc1 and later

The LDAPDefaultAuthScheme directive specifies the authentication scheme used for passwords which have no "{hashname}" prefix in the LDAP directory. For example, if you have:

  userPassword mypass
in your directory, you would want to set LDAPDefaultAuthScheme to "clear", e.g.:
  LDAPDefaultAuthScheme clear

The default value is "crypt".


Syntax: LDAPDefaultGID gid
Default: None
Context: server config, <VirtualHost>, <Global>
Module: mod_ldap
Compatibility: 1.2.7rc1 and later

The LDAPDefaultGID directive sets the default GID to be used for users when no gidNumber attribute is found for that user.

This directive is useful primarily in virtual user environments common in large-scale ISPs and hosting organizations. If a user does not have an LDAP gidNumber attribute, the LDAPDefaultGID is used. This allows one to have a large number of users in an LDAP directory without gidNumber attributes; setting this configuration directive will automatically assign those users a single GID.

See also: LDAPDefaultUID


Syntax: LDAPDefaultQuota default-quota
Default: None
Context: server config, <VirtualHost>, <Global>
Module: mod_ldap
Compatibility: 1.3.5rc1 and later

The LDAPDefaultQuota directive configures a default-quota to use if a user does not have an ftpQuota attribute. This parameter is formatted the same way as the ftpQuota LDAP attribute.


Syntax: LDAPDefaultUID uid
Default: None
Context: server config, <VirtualHost>, <Global>
Module: mod_ldap
Compatibility: 1.2.7rc1 and later

The LDAPDefaultUID directive sets the default UID to be used for users when no uidNumber attribute is found for that user.

This directive is useful primarily in virtual user environments common in large-scale ISPs and hosting organizations. If a user does not have an LDAP uidNumber attribute, the LDAPDefaultGID is used. This allows one to have a large number of users in an LDAP directory without uidNumber attributes; setting this configuration directive will automatically assign those users a single UID.

See also: LDAPDefaultGID DoAuth

By default, the search filter template used is:

The uid for the the search filter is taken from the LDAPAttr directive. Search filter templates are only supported in versions of mod_ldap 2.7 and later.

See also: LDAPAttr


Syntax: LDAPForceDefaultGID on|off
Default: None
Context: server config, <VirtualHost>, <Global>
Module: mod_ldap
Compatibility: 1.2.7rc1 and later

Even when a LDAPDefaultGID is configured, the mod_ldap module will allow individual users to have gidNumber attributes that will override this default GID. With LDAPForceDefaultGID directive configured to be on, all LDAP-authenticated users are given the default GID; GIDs may not be overridden by gidNumber attributes.


Syntax: LDAPForceDefaultUID on|off
Default: None
Context: server config
Module: mod_ldap
Compatibility: 1.2.7rc1 and later

Even when a LDAPDefaultUID is configured, the mod_ldap module will allow individual users to have uidNumber attributes that will override this default UID. With LDAPForceDefaultUID directive configured to be on, all LDAP-authenticated users are given the default UID; UIDs may not be overridden by uidNumber attributes.


Syntax: LDAPForceGeneratedHomedir off|on
Default: None
Context: server config, <VirtualHost>, <Global>
Module: mod_ldap
Compatibility: 1.2.7rc1 and later

When no homeDirectory attribute is found, the mod_ldap module can be configured to generate a home directory using the LDAPGenerateHomedir directive. If there is a homeDirectory attribute present, however, the mod_ldap module will use that attribute value as the home directory.

However, there may be cases where the administrator wishes to override the homeDirectory attribute, and thus to always use the home directory value that mod_ldap would generate. The LDAPForceGeneratedHomedir directive is used in such cases.

For example, assume that the user logging in is named "tj", and has an LDAP object whose homeDirectory attribute value is "/home/tj". To force the use of mod_ldap's generated home directory instead of that homeDirectory value, the configuration might look like:

  LDAPForceGeneratedHomedir on
  LDAPGenerateHomedir on
  LDAPGenerateHomedirPrefix /var/ftp
Using the above configuration, the home directory that the mod_ldap module would use is /var/ftp/tj, despite what homeDirectory attribute may be in the LDAP directory.

Note that if LDAPForceGeneratedHomedir is enabled, then LDAPGenerateHomedir must also be enabled. It is an error to enable LDAPForceGeneratedHomedir without also enabling LDAPGenerateHomdir.

See also: LDAPGenerateHomedir, LDAPGenerateHomedirPrefix, LDAPGenerateHomedirPrefixNoUsername


Syntax: LDAPGenerateHomedir on|off
Default: None
Context: server config, <VirtualHost>, <Global>
Module: mod_ldap
Compatibility: 1.2.7rc1 and later

By default, the mod_ldap module uses the homeDirectory attribute to determine what home directory to use for the session. Sometimes, however, an administrator will want to use a different home directory for these FTP/SFTP sessions, something other than the path in the homeDirectory attribute. The LDAPGenerateHomedir directive is used for situations like this.

The LDAPGenerateHomedir directive configures the mod_ldap module to "generate" a new home directory value, overriding the value from the homeDirectory attribute. The generated home directory value requires that a starting point for the new home directory, a "prefix", also be provided using the LDAPGenerateHomedirPrefix directive.

The LDAPGenerateHomedir directives does not cause the new home directory to be created on the filesystem. It only changes the home directory value that the mod_ldap module provides to the ProFTPD engine. The creation of the home directory, if it does not already exist, is done using the CreateHome directive.

See also: LDAPGenerateHomedirPrefix, LDAPGenerateHomedirPrefixNoUsername


Syntax: LDAPGenerateHomedirPrefix prefix
Default: None
Context: server config, <VirtualHost>, <Global>
Module: mod_ldap
Compatibility: 1.2.7rc1 and later

The LDAPGenerateHomedirPrefix directive is used when LDAPGenerateHomedir is enabled, causing the mod_ldap module to generate a default home directory, when the homeDirectory attribute value is not present. The generated home directory value like this:

The configured prefix string has the username (from the uid attribute) appended to generate the home directory value for the user.

For example:

  LDAPGenerateHomedir on
  LDAPGenerateHomedirPrefix /var/ftp
Using the above configuration, and assuming a user name of "tj", the home directory that the mod_ldap module would use is /var/ftp/tj, no matter what the homeDirectory attribute may be in the LDAP directory.

See also: LDAPForceGeneratedHomedir, LDAPGenerateHomedir, LDAPGenerateHomedirPrefixNoUsername


Syntax: LDAPGenerateHomedirPrefixNoUsername on|off
Default: None
Context: server config, <VirtualHost>, <Global>
Module: mod_ldap
Compatibility: 1.2.7rc1 and later

When the LDAPGenerateHomedir and LDAPGenerateHomedirPrefix directives are used, the generated home directory value for the session is:

However, there may be cases where the administrator does not want the username automatically appended to the generated value, and instead wishes to use just the prefix as the home directory. For these use cases, use the LDAPGenerateHomedirPrefixNoUsername directive.

For example:

  LDAPGenerateHomedir on
  LDAPGenerateHomedirPrefix /var/ftp
  LDAPGenerateHomedirPrefixNoUsername on
Using the above configuration, and assuming a user name of "tj", the home directory that the mod_ldap module would use is /var/ftp, no matter what the homeDirectory attribute may be in the LDAP directory.

See also: LDAPGenerateHomedir, LDAPGenerateHomedirPrefix


Syntax: LDAPGroups base-dn cn-filter-template gid-number-filter-template member-uid-filter-template
Default: None
Context: server config, <VirtualHost>, <Global>
Module: mod_ldap
Compatibility: 1.3.5rc1 and later

The LDAPGroups directive activates LDAP GID-to-name lookups for directory listings. The first parameter to this directive is the LDAP base DN to use for GID-to-name lookups. The second through fourth optional parameters are templates to be used for the search filter; %v will be replaced with the GID that is being looked up.

By default, the CN filter template look like this:

The gidNumber filter template is:
and the memberUid filter template used is:
Note that filter templates are only supported in mod_ldap version 2.8.3 and later.

The attribute names used in the default search filters are taken from the LDAPAttr directive.


Syntax: LDAPLog file|"none"
Default: None
Context: server config, <VirtualHost>, <Global>
Module: mod_ldap
Compatibility: 1.3.5rc4 and later

The LDAPLog directive is used to specify a log file for mod_ldap's reporting on a per-server basis. The file parameter given must be the full path to the file to use for logging.

Note that this path must not be to a world-writable directory and, unless AllowLogSymlinks is explicitly set to on (generally a bad idea), the path must not be a symbolic link.


Syntax: LDAPProtocolVersion 2|3
Default: None
Context: server config, <VirtualHost>, <Global>
Module: mod_ldap
Compatibility: 1.2.7rc1 and later

The LDAPProtocolVersion directive configures the version of the LDAP protocol that mod_ldap will use when talking to the LDAP servers. The default protocol version used is 3.


Syntax: LDAPQueryTimeout secs
Default: None
Context: server config, <VirtualHost>, <Global>
Module: mod_ldap
Compatibility: 1.2.7rc1 and later

The LDAPQueryTimeout directive configures the timeout value, in seconds, that will be used for LDAP directory queries. The default timeout value is determined by your LDAP API.


Syntax: LDAPSearchScope base|onelevel|subtree
Default: None
Context: server config, <VirtualHost>, <Global>
Module: mod_ldap
Compatibility: 1.2.7rc1 and later

The LDAPSearchScope directive is used to set the scope used for LDAP searches. The default setting, subtree, searches for all entries in the tree from the current level down. Setting this directive to onelevel searches only one level deep in the LDAP tree.

Note that the LDAPSearchScope directive cannot be used when the LDAP URL syntax, rather than hostname/port, is used for your LDAPServer configuration. Why not? The search scope can be specified as part of the URL itself. This, combined with the fact that the LDAPServer directive can take multiple hosts/URLs, makes it clear to include the search scope in the URLs as needed.

If you are not using the LDAP URL syntax, then the following will use the subtree search scope:

or, to make it explicit in your configuration:
  LDAPSearchScope subtree
On the other hand, if you are using LDAP URLs, then you specify the search scope as part of the URL:
  LDAPServer ldap://
It is important that the "/" after the hostname/port be part of your LDAP URL when specifying the search scope. That is, using:
  LDAPServer ldap://
will not work as expected; see RFC 2255, Section 3. LDAP URL parameters are not like HTTP URL query parameters; LDAP URL parameters are order-specific. And the "/" before any of the optional parameters is required.


Syntax: LDAPServer url1|host1:port1 url2|host2:port2 [ssl-ca:<path>] [ssl-cert:<path>] [ssl-key:<path>] [ssl-ciphers:<list>] [ssl-verify:boolean]
Default: None
Context: server config, <VirtualHost>, <Global>
Module: mod_ldap
Compatibility: 1.2.7rc1 and later

The LDAPServer directive allows you to to specify the hostname(s) and port(s) of the LDAP server(s) to use for LDAP authentication. If no LDAPServer configuration directive is present, the default LDAP servers specified by your LDAP library will be used. Note that the LDAP URL syntax may also be used.

To specify multiple LDAP servers, you can configure the entire list of servers on one line:

  # Using just hostname/port
  LDAPServer host1:port1 host2:port2
  # Using the URL syntax
  LDAPServer url1 url2
In ProFTPD 1.3.7rc4 and later, you can also use multiple LDAPServer directives as well, e.g.:
  LDAPServer host1:port1
  LDAPServer url1
  LDAPServer host2
  LDAPServer url2

The default search scope for LDAP URLs is "base" (unless a scope is explicitly provided in the URL). This behavior differs from the LDAPSearchScope directive, which defaults to "subtree".

Note that to use LDAPS (LDAP over SSL), you must use the URL format, e.g.:

  LDAPServer ldaps://host1:port1 ldaps://host2:port2

However, LDAPS is deprecated. Instead, LDAP prefers the STARTTLS mechanism. To enable use of STARTTLS for your LDAP connections, use the LDAPUseTLS directive, e.g.:

  LDAPServer ldap://host1:port1 ldap://host2:port2

In ProFTPD 1.3.7rc4 and later, it is possible to configure SSL/TLS parameters for a given connection. Most of the time, all that is needed for the SSL session is the CA (Certificate Authority) to use, for verifying the certificate presented by the LDAP server, using the ssl-ca: parameter. Thus:

  LDAPServer ... ssl-ca:/path/to/cacert.pem
If your LDAP server is configured to require SSL/TLS mutual authentication (also called "client auth"), you may need the ssl-cert: and ssl-key: parameters as well:
  LDAPServer ... ssl-ca:/path/to/cacert.pem \
    ssl-cert:/path/to/client-cert.pem \
Finally, you may want to configure the specific SSL/TLS ciphersuites that should be used; the ssl-ciphers: parameter can be used for this:
  LDAPServer ... ssl-ca:/path/to/cacert.pem \
    ssl-cert:/path/to/client-cert.pem \
    ssl-key:/path/to/client-key.pem \

If there is an issue with the server certificate presented by your LDAP server, but you need to create the SSL/TLS session anyway, you can relax the certificate verification requirements using the ssl-verify: parameter, e.g.:

  LDAPServer ... ssl-ca:/path/to/cacert.pem \


Syntax: LDAPUsers base-dn [name-filter-template [uid-filter-template]]
Default: None
Context: server config, <VirtualHost>, <Global>
Module: mod_ldap
Compatibility: 1.3.5rc1 and later

The LDAPUsers directive activates LDAP UID-to-name lookups for directory listings. The first parameter to this directive is the LDAP base DN to use for UID-to-name lookups. The optional second parameter is a template to be used for the search filter for the username; %v will be replaced with the UID that is being looked up. Similarly, an optional third parameter is also a template, to be used for the search filter for the UID.

By default, the name search filter template looks like this:

and the UID search filter template looks like this:
The uidNumber attribute name used in the search filter comes from the LDAPAttr directive. Note that filter templates are only supported in mod_ldap version 2.7 and later.


Syntax: LDAPUseSASL mech1 ...
Default: None
Context: server config, <VirtualHost>, <Global>
Module: mod_ldap
Compatibility: 1.3.7rc4 and later

The LDAPUseSASL directive tells the mod_ldap module to use the configured space-separated list of SASL (Simple Authentication and Security Layer) mechanisms, when using the LDAPBindDN to talk to the LDAP server. By default, simple binds are done to the LDAP server.

The currently supported mechanisms are:

The order in which the mechanisms are configured matters; the first one selected by the LDAP server wins.

Note that a SASL mechanism configured here may still be rejected by the LDAP server, if the server-side policies for authentication are not met. Indeed, some SASL mechanisms may only be allowed by the server if used in conjunction with SSL/TLS; this is a common requirement for using the LOGIN and PLAIN mechanisms.

Thus a good default configuration, using TLS and SASL, might be:

  <IfModule mod_ldap.c>
    LDAPBindDN CN=readonly,DC=example,DC=com ...
    LDAPUseTLS on


Syntax: LDAPUseTLS on|off
Default: off
Context: server config, <VirtualHost>, <Global>
Module: mod_ldap
Compatibility: 1.2.7rc1 and later

The LDAPUseTLS directive configures whether mod_ldap will use SSL/TLS via STARTTLS to protect the connections made to the configured LDAP servers.

By default, the mod_ldap module connects to the LDAP server via non-encrypted connections. Enabling this option causes mod_ldap to use an encrypted (TLS/SSL) connection to the LDAP server. If a secure connection to the LDAP server fails, mod_ldap will not authenticate users; mod_ldap will not fall back to an unsecure connection.


Follow the normal steps for using third-party modules in ProFTPD:
  $ ./configure --with-modules=mod_ldap
  $ make
  $ make install
You may need to specify the location of the OpenLDAP header and library files in your configure command, e.g.:
 $ ./configure --with-modules=mod_ldap \
    --with-includes=/usr/local/openldap/include \


One mod_ldap user submitted the following configuration for allowing mod_ldap to communicate to a Windows Active Directory server. Note that this configuration has not been tested; if it works for you (or not), please let us know:

  <IfModule mod_ldap.c>
    LDAPServer ldaps://
    LDAPUseTLS on
    LDAPAuthBinds on
    LDAPBindDN "cn=SRV_ACC_SVN_AUTH,ou=special accounts,ou=Sales,dc=example,dc=org" ******************

    LDAPUsers ou=Users,ou=Sales,dc=example,dc=org "(&(sAMAccountName=%u)(objectclass=user)(memberOf=cn=Linux Admins,ou=Groups,ou=Sales,dc=example,dc=com))"
    LDAPSearchScope subtree

    # Assign default IDs
    LDAPDefaultUID 106
    LDAPDefaultGID 65534

    # Create the home directory
    LDAPGenerateHomedir on
    LDAPGenerateHomedirPrefix /home

    # Use different attribute names where necessary
    LDAPAttr uid sAMAccountName
    LDAPAttr gidNumber primaryGroupID

The mod_ldap module supports trace logging, via the module-specific log channels:

Thus for trace logging, to aid in debugging, you would use the following in your proftpd.conf:
  TraceLog /path/to/ftpd/trace.log
  Trace ldap:20
This trace logging can generate large files; it is intended for debugging use only, and should be removed from any production configuration.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Why is mod_ldap using a "base" scope by default, rather than "subtree"? I configured:

  LDAPSearchScope subtree
but it is not working; I see the following in my LDAP server logs:
  slapd[31709]: conn=20239 op=1 SRCH base="ou=people,dc=example,dc=com" scope=0 deref=0 filter="(&(uid=tj)(objectClass=posixAccount))"
Answer: The use of the "base" scope for searches, in spite of any LDAPSearchScope directive, happens when a URL, rather than hostname/port, are used in the LDAPServer directive.
RFC 2255, Section 3 specifies that the default scope is "base".

Thus instead of:

  LDAPServer ldap://
you will need to use:
  LDAPServer ldap://
See the LDAPSearchScope documentation for more details.

Question: How do I use LDAPGenerateHomedir and CreateHome together successfully? Can I use just LDAPGenerateHomedir?
Answer: If you want to have home directories for your LDAP users automatically created, you do need to use the
CreateHome directive. Whether you need to use the LDAPGenerateHomedir directive is a different (but related) question.

The LDAPGenerateHomedir directive (and its relative LDAPForceGeneratedHomedir) should be used when you want to users to have a different home directory than is configured for them in LDAP. They are not used for creating these directories, just generating the paths to use.

Thus to generate a different home directory for your LDAP-defined users, and to have these different home directories created, you might use something like this:

  <IfModule mod_ldap.c>
    LDAPGenerateHomedir on
    LDAPGenerateHomedirPrefix /data
    LDAPForceGeneratedHomedir on

    # And make sure these home directories are created
    CreateHome on 0770 skel /opt/ProFTPD/etc/skel

Question: In my LDAP server logs, I see ProFTPD make multiple binds for the same client logging in:

  slapd[31709]: conn=20239 op=0 BIND dn="cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com" method=128
  slapd[31709]: conn=20239 op=0 BIND dn="cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com" mech=SIMPLE ssf=0
I was expecting just one bind. Is this a bug, or is it expected behavior?
Answer: Yes, this is the expected behavior. See the
LDAPAuthBinds directive for details.

Note that you may see additional binds when other modules, such as mod_ifsession, are present in your proftpd build.

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