Hopefully we passed the correct options to the Amavis configure script so that when we install it, the Debian file system policy won't be violated. That would be bad karma. Create a user named " amavis"
useradd amavis
From the amavis-sourcecode-directory type:
make install
If everythiny worked, the install script should have
Now you will need to create an alias in /etc/aliases or /etc/mail/aliases (or wherever you keep your mail aliases) for the " virusalert" email address that Amavis will try and send virus reports to. Generally, this should be the system administrator.
Don't forget to rebuild the aliases file by issuing:
Finally, open up the /etc/mail/sendmail.mc file for editing and insert the following two lines anywhere after the line the begins with " ## Custom configurations" (it is near the bottom):
define(`_FFR_MILTER', `1')dnl INPUT_MAIL_FILTER(`milter-amavis', `S=local:/var/local/amavis/amavis-milter.sock, T=S:10m;R:10m;E:10m')dnl
After you close the /etc/mail/sendmail.mc file, start-up amavis-milter and amavisd with the following three commands:
rm -rf /var/local/amavis/amavis-milter.sock nohup /usr/local/sbin/amavis-milter -p /var/local/amavis/amavis-milter.sock & /usr/local/sbin/amavisd
Now that Amavis is ready and running, you can fire-up your new sendmail configuration with:
This command will recreate the /etc/mail/sendmail.cf file from the /etc/mail/sendmail.mc file and reload the sendmail daemon. An alternate approach is to delete the /etc/mail/sendmail.cf file, run " make" in the /etc/mail directory, and restart sendmail with " /etc/init.d/sendmail restart" (or whatever it is that you use).